Willow Class



Mrs Cruttenden

Mr Laws

Miss Summers

In Willow Class we have a wonderful outdoor play area that we all use for learning, as well as regularly going into the woods to learn. We always have our waterproofs and wellies at school, as we love to go out whenever we can. Even in the rain and snow!

We build strong foundations in Willow Class and involve parents in their children’s learning via the use of an online learning journey called Tapestry. This enables school to see how and what children have been learning at home and to show families what their children have been learning at school, always helpful if your child says ‘nothing’!

In Willow class we are very active, busy learners. The children’s ideas are taken into account where possible when learning about a new topic and we aim to complete our learning via topics as much as we can. Have a look at our photo gallery to see what we have been up to!

Willow Class

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